Exercises related to Auto Mechanic San Rafael

Provide knowledge and develop skills in handling drawing, designing graphics using methods parts and mechanical parts such as base to computer design CAD attended. It starts with international standardization, use of scales, construction of orthogonal, special drawing and dimensioning techniques. III. OBJECTIVES.

Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: a GENERAL Objective: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to apply Auto Mechanic San Rafael knowledge of engineering design techniques to represent parts and machine parts, using drawing instruments and will be Designed and plotted with the use of CAD. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: Meet International Standards and systems for the graphic representation of objects, parts, machines, and other related electrical mechanical engineering.

Develop skills in handling tools to develop conceptual design engineering, implementing the order, cleanliness and good execution. Find the relationship between theory and practice, Auto Mechanic San Rafael through experimentation to graphic design in order to apply them in the field of engineering as a tool for corporate development. To talk to the student's ability to solve problems by general or alternative methods, and no one in particular. Domino tool for computer-aided such as Autocad D.

Design Auto Mechanic San Rafael Engineering

Developed in the laboratory hours in the computer center of the Faculty. To fulfill the objectives, the development of the course has the following methods and techniques: Theory: Inductive Method Deductive. Practice: Practical applications executed in the classroom and home work. Laboratory for Computer Aided Design Engineering such as Autocad D. In the computer center of the Faculty This Course consists of: Theory: Hours Laboratory: hours theory: Concepts of engineering drawing techniques and standards implementation are developed.

Laboratory Are performed by applying the concepts learned in lectures practically with the development of films in the format required, these will be permanently supervised by the teacher of the course, will also be home-based jobs. Students must achieve the objectives previously proposed. Finally, master computer assisted tool such as Autocad. VI.

TEACHING MATERIAL: For the development of the subject it has ample reading material, manuals, CD tutors, specialty books for the implementation thereof, notebook, slate, speck, markers, overhead projector, stationery. Using Wikis. VII. ASSESSMENT SYSTEM:. From the notes:...

Two qualifying one before each partial practices will be assessed.... During the development of the course files will be Auto Mechanic San Rafael developed in the computer lab with engineering design tool for Autocad and averaging is part of the third qualifying practice.... The student must submit a final project course in which I learned how to reflect their knowledge and skill, which is the fourth note of the skilled practice.... The average Permanent evaluation will be given by the Auto Mechanic San Rafael average manually prepared sheets, which are continuously developed in the classroom and at home.

Two sets will be evaluated according to the approved schedule. The average midterms, graded practice, laboratory practice and ongoing assessments Auto Mechanic San Rafael are not rounded. Only the final average is rounded, considered as point for the student greater than or equal to fraction. Conditions of Approval.

The student must get or more during the final semester average. The passing score is and less than disapproval, if not able to achieve the objectives.

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